Friday, August 30, 2013

Pursuit of Happiness

Notes I wrote down as I listened to part 2 of Journal of a Desperate Journey by Chuck Swindoll. Here are  the notes from the message from his website: click here.

Searching for meaning and living the straight life can be exhausting.

The straight life:

Carrying out daily necessary tasks.
Living other people's goals instead of his own.
Deeply committed. Carrying out responsibilities.
Feel like everyone is taking from his life, not giving.

A world of tension and boredom until you wanna pull your hair out…

Solomon was king over Israel. If paraphrased, it'd add that Solomon was up to here with being king of this nation. Life is boring. Same thing is done. Meeting others expectations versus our own. Living out commitments. Feeling like everyone is asking and taking from us versus giving. It all makes it difficult to live the straight life!

Solomon, in his midlife crisis, didn't do anything silly. He wanted to put his brains and bucks to good use and find out what it is all about. How does one pursue happiness? Would it be profitable? What gives life meaning? Found in Solomon's journal- Ecclesiastes. In this book, we have God's promised truth about life and the pursuit of happiness under the sun. The book has a lot to say about life and living the straight life. God doesn't lie. He is honest. It is through this book we can learn a lot if we would diligently seek God's face and be obedient in listening to Him!

Chuck Swindoll emphasized "feeling the full blow of living a life under the sun without turning to the back of the book" before getting the full effects- the brokenness; not rushing or pushing it away; but realizing the depth of it all.  It is the life of many who live without Christ: facing the same thing day after day, experiencing the boring, and how meaningless life can be. The meaning is only found in Christ and the things above. This is why we are called: to seek the things of God, His Kingdom, and Heaven. "Seeking the things above, not earthly things!"

It is the life of people apart from God's perspective. It is realizing where they are; helping them to come to Christ. Entering into the brokenness that they, themselves, feel.

Ecc. 1:12-14

There is no greener grass. What we may think would be greener, when we get there- it's empty. There is no green grass. What we thought would be better than what we had was a disillusionment. All of it is empty;


He goes for it-to seek meaning.


He goes for his pursuit. It wasn't worth the effort. It was madness.


He sought alcohol to see the meaning of life. Solomon continued to seek pleasure as he pursued happiness.

2:4-10; 2:17

Nothing brought pleasure for Solomon. Nothing. Even his projects didn't bring pleasure.  His hobbies brought no pleasure. Nothing brought pleasure to Solomon in his life. Planning for something is always more exciting than the thing itself. Looking forward to it is always much more exciting than the actual event. Whether it is going to a restaurant, vacation, or something else, looking forward to it is always much more exciting. Our hope for it is always much more than the actuality.

The satisfaction is only during the act: that goes for the collection, the vacation, the booze, extramarital affairs (remember he had 700 wives; he knew pleasure! yet nothing brought happiness and satisfaction.). Solomon withholded nothing from himself. (2:10) He didn't stop at pleasure. He hated life. (2:17) Think of life of the celebrity. Pays someone else to do things for them. No friends by their side. They still have to sleep at night, and there isn't enough medication to fix the up's and down's they endure. The stories of many can be multiplied. Their sorrows are many.

What profit is there in the whole cycle? (3:9)
Outside of Christ, we will never find pleasure.

What are we looking for pleasure in?
Are we still seeking the world? Or, are we seeking Christ?

Psalm 16:11 states:

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

We will never find the pleasures that bring happiness if we don't start looking in the right place. Are we choosing to allow Christ to be our pleasure? Or, are we still trying to find that pleasure in other things? Only God can fill us up, and give us joy!

"Happiness is a by-product of walking with God. It is not our focus." Holiness should be our focus. Seeking Christ. Seeking His holiness. Seeking to walk in His ways and seek Him with all that we are.


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