Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prophecy (Spiritual Gift)

I thought I would start a blog series on spiritual gifts. Most of what I write on this blog stems from my walk with Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to save me eternally and He was raised to new life by the Father. My walk with Him is of most significance. He deserves my all! Writing enables to wrestle with whatever I have on my mind, as I learn more about Him and how to live out my life. To know more about God is to learn more about myself. It is impossible to know who I am outside of who God is and His plans and purpose for my life. Today's post is an example of learning about me as I learn about God. This is the first post where I will be looking at different spiritual gifts. Prophecy is one of my favorite gifts to look at. It is also special, because it has a profound impact on who I am and my personality.

 For each believer in Christ, we have spiritual gifts. Believers have different spiritual gifts that given by God alone. Not all have the same spiritual gifts. (What fun would that be?) The body of Christ has many parts, as it states in 1 Corinthians 12:12. In order for the church body to work well, we need diverse spiritual gifts. We all can’t be prophets, because who would be there to love? We can’t all have the spiritual gift of compassion, because who would be there to boldly proclaim God’s Word without worrying about hurting feelings? The church body has diverse spiritual gifts for a purpose! We need to use each one we are given in our lives to glorify God. These spiritual gifts are unique and come only by God's power! It is not something that can bought at a store. Money and practice cannot make us possess these gifts. Only God can bring these gifts into part of our lives!


Prophecy is the first spiritual gift I want to write about in this blog series. Prophecy is the special spiritual gift God gives where we are able to proclaim the Word of God with accuracy and apply it. It is done fearlessly to strengthen believers, comfort, bring encouragement, and helps unbelievers know the truth. The Holy Spirit is working in each step of it: boldly proclaiming the Word, softening others’ hearts to hear the message, and help others to know and grow in Him. 

The main purpose of prophecy is to speak God’s Word to the people. It is to help others reconcile with God, because of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. It is to show the truth to others to challenge them when they fail to know the truth. Also it is to warn them of God’s immediate and coming judgment if there is no repentance. It is through the Holy Spirit that the gift of prophecy is used to speak God’s Word and helping others come to Him and grow in their walk.

 The Experience

God shows me the fingerprints that He has left on my life and personality, as I learn about this spiritual gift. He shows me why I am the way I am. He shows me why I am blunt and boldly speak. He shows me why there is such intensity in my life. He shows me the passion I have for Him and His Word. I love getting the chance to learn about the gift of prophecy. I love that it explains why random verses come into my head and I can't contain my excitement for sharing God's Word. I love how God will give me a reference for a Scripture that I haven't memorized to give to others. He is giving me the words to speak, as I grow more in Him. He gives me the urgency to speak His truth. He speaks through me, and allows His power to be known! Speaking directly and boldly is only for His truth to be known. He brings a scripture to mind that needs to be given to one particular person. He continues to use me to help others know Him. He continues to use this gift to show me who He has made me to be. If I was to ignore it, I would be missing out. Seriously. Missing out. God has so many blessings in store, as I obediently follow Him and His Word. There are still lessons I need to learn about using this gift and using it diligently, but knowing this spiritual gift is such a blessing!

Personality Traits

The spiritual gift of prophecy is one of passion. It is having a great passion for God, His Word, and proclaiming His Word wherever He sends you. I have some characteristics of prophecy in my own personality. The ones that stick out most for me is strong personality, (type "A") lack of mercy and patience, and intensity. For this spiritual gift, these are the personality traits.

1.      They have a strong personality, which can be defined as a type “A” or dominant personality. This believer has to have a strong personality to help them face the adversity that is required of anyone who boldly speaks the Word of God.

2.      They are often intense in the things they do and intent in their relationship with Jesus Christ. They are also tough to do what they need to do, which is highly necessary to go forth and preach the Word of God regardless of what others may say or do in reaction to what has been spoken.

3.      They are more focused on the direct issues rather than those involved. Prophets lack patience and are low in mercy. Regarding mercy, they are much more interested in confronting a person rather than hesitating out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings.

Prophecy is boldly speaking God's Word and proclaiming it fearlessly. It has to do with boldly speaking even if it hurts someone for a little while. The eternal is much more important than temporary. I can relate to Apostle Paul when he says in 2 Corinthians 7:8-10:

For even if I made you grieve with my letter, I do not regret it—though I did regret it, for I see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
Speaking boldly is a big responsibility. It is requires us to be diligent about declaring God’s Word. On some levels at time, it requires us to take a step back from the situation and remember that God's Word comes first. It comes before people to whom we will proclaim the message. It comes before fear or anxiety that will plague us from wondering what will happen once the message is preached to others. The point is: we must boldly proclaim. We can't allow others things to get in the way. We must speak up and speak God's truth obediently, so others may come to know Him! It is to be boldly proclaimed and without shame or fear.

When the prophet speaks the words given by the Lord, others may be sorrowful for a little while—but it will lead them to repentance and enable them to enter a right relationship with the Lord. This is the focus! It is not on the temporary of what may hurt others, which individuals with the gift of compassion and prophecy may face. It is much more difficult for those with both gifts to proclaim, but it is still necessary. We are called to be good stewards of the gifts we are given. It is important to use them with God’s guidance.


susan w said...

Stace, very powerful and oh, so true. The prophets have always been "Here's your mission, go proclaim it. People love them when it's good, dread them coming when it's not. I believe God has already prepared their hearts to hear, but no one likes their sin being brought out in the open. You are a warrior. You are my friend. Still trying to "see" my gifts clearer. Love you.Susan

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