Saturday, December 28, 2013

MOVED pages!!

I have finally caved. Yep, it’s true. I have merged all of my blogs into one spot. Go check it out:

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Not by My Might...

Days like these, I am not particularly fond of them... They bring a lot of questions. Perhaps, some answers as well. I feel guilty for not being able  to do as I should. There is much I need to do, as far as housework and things go. My body is pretty weak today, and I know I need to be diligent. If I am not diligent, I could end up collapsing and hurting worse than before. So, it is trying to balance rest while trying to get my apartment inspection ready.

In this current episode of severe weakness, I'd have to say it's at the climax phase. It is worse than it was before today. It has been going on since Monday afternoon. Was the shopping trip worth it? No, not particularly... especially considering we ended up leaving our shopping cart and walking away. Was my MRI results "worth" it? No, not really...especially considering it supposedly showed nothing according to the radiologist's report.

I think it is easy to look at today and how I feel, and wonder: "What am I doing wrong?". My verse today can be found in Zechariah 4:6 where Yahweh (the One true God) tells Zerubbabel that it isn't by his own might or power, but only through God's strength. Don't quote me on it, but it seems that it had to do with Zerubbabel and building the temple. He would begin the work and complete it, but it is only by God's strength that it would be done. In the passage, the angel of the Lord regards it as a mountain that will be viewed as a plain.

The great mountains in our lives can be overcame as we seek to rely on God and not our own strength. No task is too great for God! He says and does what He says. His promises are true and never fade away. Let's listen again to what the Lord tells Zerubbabel: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."

What is the question I am asking myself today that is a bad question to ask: "Am I not believing enough? Am I not relying on God enough?". This thorn... this illness...*whatever* it is... It's hard. It's demanding. It alters my perspective. Instead of focusing on continuing to rely on His strength, I sit wondering about me and myself and why things aren't changing. I am looking for the wrong thing. Instead of seeing how He is working, I see the remaining struggle. I see the rubble instead of how much has been moved in a sense, I guess. My focus has got to be on relying on God and His strength. I need to be more fixed on my relationship with Christ!

I had another train of thought that was lost momentarily...Few seconds sifted by, but I remember now. I remember what it is. Right now, I am going through a study on Gideon. Despite all the depression, discouragement, weakness, stresses, and all that weighs me down, I have been able to continue in the study. I have been able to stay on track with the study. More important than "staying on track" is that I have been allowing God to change my heart and work in my life as I sit there during my time of just being with Him.

Gideon :sigh:. Love Gideon. He went through his days, struggling. The Midianites were stealing from the people of Israel. They were engaged in a battle of their own. Though Gideon was in a weak clan and small, God still chose to use him and rescue His people.. Judges 6:12 echoes in my mind: "God will be with you, mighty warrior." Gideon didn't feel like a warrior or able to conquer all that he faced, but neither do most of us...Question remains: "Are we relying on Him and His strength?"

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pursuit of Happiness

Notes I wrote down as I listened to part 2 of Journal of a Desperate Journey by Chuck Swindoll. Here are  the notes from the message from his website: click here.

Searching for meaning and living the straight life can be exhausting.

The straight life:

Carrying out daily necessary tasks.
Living other people's goals instead of his own.
Deeply committed. Carrying out responsibilities.
Feel like everyone is taking from his life, not giving.

A world of tension and boredom until you wanna pull your hair out…

Solomon was king over Israel. If paraphrased, it'd add that Solomon was up to here with being king of this nation. Life is boring. Same thing is done. Meeting others expectations versus our own. Living out commitments. Feeling like everyone is asking and taking from us versus giving. It all makes it difficult to live the straight life!

Solomon, in his midlife crisis, didn't do anything silly. He wanted to put his brains and bucks to good use and find out what it is all about. How does one pursue happiness? Would it be profitable? What gives life meaning? Found in Solomon's journal- Ecclesiastes. In this book, we have God's promised truth about life and the pursuit of happiness under the sun. The book has a lot to say about life and living the straight life. God doesn't lie. He is honest. It is through this book we can learn a lot if we would diligently seek God's face and be obedient in listening to Him!

Chuck Swindoll emphasized "feeling the full blow of living a life under the sun without turning to the back of the book" before getting the full effects- the brokenness; not rushing or pushing it away; but realizing the depth of it all.  It is the life of many who live without Christ: facing the same thing day after day, experiencing the boring, and how meaningless life can be. The meaning is only found in Christ and the things above. This is why we are called: to seek the things of God, His Kingdom, and Heaven. "Seeking the things above, not earthly things!"

It is the life of people apart from God's perspective. It is realizing where they are; helping them to come to Christ. Entering into the brokenness that they, themselves, feel.

Ecc. 1:12-14

There is no greener grass. What we may think would be greener, when we get there- it's empty. There is no green grass. What we thought would be better than what we had was a disillusionment. All of it is empty;


He goes for it-to seek meaning.


He goes for his pursuit. It wasn't worth the effort. It was madness.


He sought alcohol to see the meaning of life. Solomon continued to seek pleasure as he pursued happiness.

2:4-10; 2:17

Nothing brought pleasure for Solomon. Nothing. Even his projects didn't bring pleasure.  His hobbies brought no pleasure. Nothing brought pleasure to Solomon in his life. Planning for something is always more exciting than the thing itself. Looking forward to it is always much more exciting than the actual event. Whether it is going to a restaurant, vacation, or something else, looking forward to it is always much more exciting. Our hope for it is always much more than the actuality.

The satisfaction is only during the act: that goes for the collection, the vacation, the booze, extramarital affairs (remember he had 700 wives; he knew pleasure! yet nothing brought happiness and satisfaction.). Solomon withholded nothing from himself. (2:10) He didn't stop at pleasure. He hated life. (2:17) Think of life of the celebrity. Pays someone else to do things for them. No friends by their side. They still have to sleep at night, and there isn't enough medication to fix the up's and down's they endure. The stories of many can be multiplied. Their sorrows are many.

What profit is there in the whole cycle? (3:9)
Outside of Christ, we will never find pleasure.

What are we looking for pleasure in?
Are we still seeking the world? Or, are we seeking Christ?

Psalm 16:11 states:

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

We will never find the pleasures that bring happiness if we don't start looking in the right place. Are we choosing to allow Christ to be our pleasure? Or, are we still trying to find that pleasure in other things? Only God can fill us up, and give us joy!

"Happiness is a by-product of walking with God. It is not our focus." Holiness should be our focus. Seeking Christ. Seeking His holiness. Seeking to walk in His ways and seek Him with all that we are.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What are we searching for?

My notes from Chuck Swindoll's message: Journal of a Desperate Journey, Part 1

On Ecclesiastes: Ecclesiastes is where we find Solomon on a journey for satisfaction. We read his findings. Solomon learned that nothing under the sun is worthwhile, everything is futile.

Ecc 1:1-11- No matter how much we see or hear, we are never satisfied. We are never content. Ecc. 6:10-12- God has already planned who we are. God knows who we are, and our destiny- He knows it all. Who are we to contend with God? He is greater and mightier! (See Isaiah 40) Ecc 12:13-14- Fear God and obey His commands. God will judge us justly.

What dreams do you have that you haven't lived out?
What do you think about when no one else is around?

Ecclesiastes is the journal of Solomon's journey to find happiness and purpose when everything else seemed boring and empty. He longed for that fulfillment. Deep within us is an irresponsible itch where we want to forsake our responsibilities, flee everything, and pursue dreams. If only, we would see the other side and the meaninglessness of those dreams. Solomon had all the money and brains to pull it off. But, what would he find?

Dreams send Solomon to find something.
What does he find? "Nothingness, nothingness…" is what his pursuits fostered.
He wasn't given the satisfaction he hoped for.

What's it all about? It's empty… It's futile.
Until we are there at the end (Ecc 12:13-14), we feel the emptiness.

"One of the reasons we are so boring as people, as Christians, because we read our immortality message into every scene that's also the reason we don't have too many real answers to our real problems. We're too quick with the ultimate answers to fill ourselves with the horrific pain." Before mentioning following God or obeying God, he throws his hands in the air! Nothing brings satisfaction.

Brokenness comes before finding what we need!
We have to see this book using the natural, human mind. If we don't, we will throw this book out of the window. It is about seeing things from the human mindset. Under the sun. Seeking satisfaction from things under the sun. It is the brokenness that comes from realizing that nothing under the sun could ever satisfy. The brokenness that leads us to none other than Jesus Christ!

The more we read Ecclesiastes, the less shocked we are with the world. The brokeness of this world. Others giving up. Others committing suicide.  We will enter that understanding of what others face. Remember: The purposelessness of this world, of life. The futility. The meaningless. It is only found through Jesus Christ. Without Christ, we have nothing. He has a purpose for us. He has a great love for us! Let us remember what we experienced without Christ, enter into the brokenness, have compassion for others, and share the love of Christ!

Now why: Why is it so meaningless? (1:4)
It's a boring place to be; it's the pits. The eye is never satisfied with seeing; the ear is never satisfied with hearing. There's always something else. The appetite is never filled. Even with money, there is nothing satisfying. Nothing will ever satisfy!

"Can you imagine launching a child under the sun? Nothing new. Nothing of meaning."

Are we ready to move beyond the sun? Allowing Jesus Christ into our lives. Him and His holy is what our souls are longing for. It is only as we move past the brokenness and realizing our need for Him that we finally see what we have needed all along. His holiness is serious. He is holy. He is supreme, above all others. He is God, creator of Heaven and Earth! He came to give us abundant life, life far beyond what we can experience in this world!

Is what we are seeking meaningful?
Is it soul satisfying?
Is it leading us closer to Christ? Or, drawing us away from Him?
Are we seeking after the eternal or things that will not last?

*Seek Christ*. Only He can satisfy! Nothing in this world can ever satisfy except Christ and Him alone.

Are we digging into the Word of God? Spending time reading the Bible? In prayer?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

To Live is Christ...

To live is Christ, and to die is gain. The point the scripture brings us to is that there is an advantage regardless. If we are here on this earth, God has a reason! To live is Christ!!! How are we living? Are we recognizing our need for God as our Savior? Are we seeking out God's Will for our lives?

Paul, in verse 22, writes that while he is here living and breathing, it was an opportunity. It is an opportunity to know Christ, share His love with others, share what Christ has done in our lives, help others, encourage others, building up God's Kingdom… It is what he calls fruitful labor. Building up God's Kingdom. We have the chance to be co-workers in God's work, working to build up the Kingdom of God. We are not a mistake. We are His special creation! He has meant us for sooo much more!!

God has a reason for us being here!
God has a reason for me, just as He does for you!
He has a purpose for us even when we fail to see it.

To live---there is one qualification required: breathing. As long as you are breathing, you are alive. Your quality of life may be far from what you wish it was, but you are ALIVE!! To live is Christ.... Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary states: "to live is Christ—whatever life, time, and strength, I have, is Christ's; Christ is the sole object for which I live (Gal 2:20)."

The question is: Are you living for Christ? Am I living for Christ? We will each give an account to God, so we better give Him our best. He deserves our best! We need to examine ourselves. Scripture says that we need to examine ourselves to make sure we are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). Are you showing evidence of spiritual fruit (Gal. 5:22-23)? Are you seeking Christ daily? Or, have you taken a step back? Are you walking in total obedience to God, the One who created you? (we each probably need to take time, stop, and repent for our disobedience...) What is quiet time like? Is it quality time between you and the Lord, or are there distractions?

Just some questions to help us think about our walk with the Lord, and where He has purposely placed us. We are here for a reason!!

A lot of us that have an intimate relationship with Christ, we long to leave this world and be with Christ in Heaven. The most important thing to realize is that God wants us to use us. He has here for a reason! Will we be obedient to Him? Will we trust Him? Paul recognized that though he wanted to go to Heaven, God had a reason for him continuing to live. God had a ministry he wanted Paul to be involved in. God wanted to use Paul greatly to help many to come to know Jesus Christ!

How can we encourage others?
How can we encourage other believers to continue in the faith and keep seeking Christ?

How can we witness~ and showing others the love of Christ?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Resist Leads to Restoration

Something happens when we keep seeking God and resisting the devil. Scripture says that when we resist the devil that he will flee. Flee: to shun, to avoid by flight.

1 Peter 5:8-11~ 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

James 4:7~ Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

In both passages, we see the word "resist". Resist: Withstand, oppose… to stand against.

In order for the devil to flee like we want, we need to resist the devil: to stand against him. We need to withstand the devil. We need to withstand his taunts. When I was going through one study, I realized how important it is to have on the armor of God. The armor of God is to protect us from the devil's taunts.

Ephesians 6 lists the important equipment we need to have on:

1) Belt of truth (vs. 14): We have to have it "around our waist". What good is it if we have a Bible, but we do not have God's Word hidden in our heart? We will not be able to combat the devil's lies. John 8:44 reminds us that "there is no truth in him (the devil)… and he is the father of lies." The only way to combat the devil's lies is with God's truth--truth that is found only in the Bible.

2) Breastplate of righteousness (vs. 14): it is our protection. Our garments have to be of righteousness. If we are not walking in the light and disciplined in the Word, how can we ever survive the temptations of the Devil? Even Jesus was tempted. Only through obedience and reliance on the Lord God Almighty! See Matt. 4 and Heb. 4.

3) Fitted with the readiness (vs. 15): We must be ready. 1 Peter 5:8-9 particularly bring home this truth. Unless we are ready/on guard, we will be devoured by the Devil. Jesus calls His disciples to be "watchful and pray". To endure until the end, we must be on guard. The Devil can attack at any time!

4) Shield of faith (vs. 16): We must keep the faith. So often the Devil will haunt us with things from our past. The Devil will make accusations against us. He wants us to forget that we have been set free!!

5) Helmet of Salvation (vs. 17): Salvation has been brought to all men. Only Christ can save! The Devil wants us to drop our weapons, and he will taunt us any way that he can. He will use anything he thinks he can. We must stay in God's holy Word, in fellowship with Him, and other believers! We must keep our head on straight. Fighting the good fight. We will win in the end. We need to keep our head up and our eyes focused on Christ, and Christ alone! The Bible is our weapon. We cannot allow ourselves to focus on self or feelings, but keep ourselves focused on HIM!!

James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:7-10 share one theme: resisting the devil. James tells us this is when the devil will flee, Peter then tells us that we are ministered to by God. God will restore us at the proper time. He will make us strong, firm, and steadfast! In the King James Version, it says it a different way: "After we have suffered a while, [Jesus would] make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you." It gives more detail as to what it would look like. It gives a glimpse of that beautiful restoration we experience after a time of trial whether it is tragedy or a different sort of trial. After a while, He WILL (it is a promise!) mend what is broken, make us stable, strengthen our weary soul, and settle us!

The steps (May we not forget one…): Look diligently at James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:7-10. What are those steps?

Stay watchful.

If we are not watchful:
Trial comes
Devil taunts.
Devil seeks to destroy us (John 10).

We must be diligent!
We must stay on our guard!
We must remember the armor God has given us, to protect us from the Devil and his taunts.

We need to evaluate our lives!

1) Are we armed with the truth? Are we daily seeking God in His Word and seeking out fellowship and accountability with other believers?? Are we believing any of the Devil's lies?

2) Are we seeking to be obedient to God?

3) Are we living by genuine faith? 

4) Are we  standing on our guard, so we are ready? Are we "being watchful and in prayer"?
5) Are we believing Him for His salvation that can only come by recognizing we are a sinner and Jesus Christ came to pay the price for our sin?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

His Kind of Love!

Romans 12:1-2: "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

It is an appeal based on love. It is not any ordinary love. It is knowing God's great love. The love that went to great depths to be with us. We were stuck in our sin and were His enemy. Our sin seperated us from Him! Christ came..He died on the cross for our sins! Christ was sinless!! He didn't have to go! He went for you, and He went for me. He was risen on the 3rd day, because of God's great power. God's GREAT love!! There is nothing like it. Nothing can ever compare to it. Do you know that kind of love? (listen to song below)

The amount of love God has for us is unfathomable. It is only when we devote ourselves to Him that we see a glimpse of the Father's great love. The peace He gives: it surpasses all understanding. His comfort--it is better than anything we could ever imagine! Only Jesus can satisfy our hearts. Only He can love us like we need to be loved. Are we letting Him nurture our souls? Or, are we walking through life on empty?

Romans 12:1-2 states:

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

It is about giving all of ourselves to God. The best relationships are the ones where there are no secrets, lies, or hidden things. We don't hold back from those relationships. (or if we do, we shouldn't) Why do we hold back from God? Why do we move away from Him? He asks for all of us. As our CREATOR, He should not have to ask. It should be a given...and done out of love. In view of what He has done for us and continues to do for us, we should give Him all of us! We make up the church body when joined together. It needs each part. God has a purpose for us. How can we come to see that purpose when we are disobedient to God--not giving Him certain areas of our lives for example? Scripture reminds that God wants all of us... There are two commandments in the New Testament: Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind is the first one. Love. It boils down to this: Love. His Kind of Love: it's reckless for us. His kind of love will never give up!~

Are you being obedient?
Taking time to be alone w/ Him?
What holds you back in your relationship with Christ?

The verse continues: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

It is not about what the world is doing. It is not about what society says, or even what those closest to us are doing or saying. It is about being with Him! He loves like we can only imagine. We cannot even know what love really is until we have experienced God's love. Scripture  reminds us that God is love. It is specific when it says: "He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love." (1 John 4:8) To know love, we need to know Him. We need to acquaint ourselves with God. To be introduced to the Creator of the universe is only the beginning. It is about having a RELATIONSHIP with Him! Make it a daily habit to be with Him.

It is a relationship!
Do you have a relationship with Christ?
Do you realize your deep need for Him?
Where are you in your relationship with Him?
Do you have a daily time to be in the Word?
Do you have a prayer life? Special time of just talking with the Lord and praying?

Are we allowing Him to define us or does the world?
Who impacts our decisions: God through His Word and prayer or  the world/society?
Are we seeking to please God or others?

In Galatians, Paul shares these words. Soak them in. Meditate on them. "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ (Gal. 1:10)." Who do we find ourselves trying to please? Spend some time in reflection and confessing to Him the truth, asking for His forgiveness, and basking in His grace and abundant love! Those who know Christ personally through a relationship are called children of God. Think about how loved you are as His child.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Single and Waiting

There can be a thousand thoughts within me that can send me different directions. Waiting for my future husband--well, that is just one of those frequent thoughts. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be hard if not used as an useful instrument. It can bring on loneliness and many other others.

The Lord placed this verse on my heart last night: "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." (Song of Solomon 2:7)

This verse has great significance for me. Solomon thought it was so significant that it is found 3 times within his short 8 chapter book in the Bible on love where he reminds us that "love is as strong as death (8:6)". This kind of love is worth waiting for. In the Bible, a marriage is used to mirror our relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the ultimate picture of the depths of love! God's love for us is so strong that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for our sins, so that we may have a relationship with Him. God calls us--He waits lovingly, but longs to be with us.

That kind of emotion probably resonates with many people. Deep longing that pulls us in, and makes us want it greatly. But, there is a time of waiting.. Let's look at another passage.

Song of Solomon 3:1-3:
1 All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. 2 I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him. 3 The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. “Have you seen the one my heart loves?”

Many of us go around looking. We desire it so much that we keep looking.
Ever hear those words "looking for love in all the wrong places"?
Many of us do go looking.
We continue looking in different places.

Our focus is on looking, instead of allowing our focus to be on Christ! Looking instead of praying for our future spouse and ourselves as we wait. We may look exactly like the woman in this passage, and go from place to place desperately looking and searching. God knows exactly what is in store for us, so we do not have to go frantically searching. God's plans will never be messed up! God has had the plan He has for our lives since He created us. He knows exactly who it is. It is more profitable and enjoyable to be filled with His hope and guidance as we keep our eyes on Him!

Hebrews reminds of us that we need to remove all distractions and keep our eyes on Him. Hebrews 12:1-3 says,
1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Waiting in His loving arms makes the wait enjoyable, and helps us realize He is enough and our provider!

The waiting is difficult, but we know that this kind of love is worth it. Love like this is worth fighting for. Sometimes, waiting for such love in our own lives is a great fight. Waiting for our future spouse or children~ there is a waiting process, but aligning ourselves up with God's will is essential. His timing is always perfect. He has a divine plan for each of us! As we wait for the stories of our lives to unfold, we need to stay watchful, praying, being alert and sober minded, resisting the enemy, and standing our ground--being firm in our faith! Seeking the Lord first, because He is to be our top priority. He is our provider and the One through whom all blessings flow.

The Devil will seek to distract us. It'd be easy to date anyone, get frustrated or discouraged, or even give up the courage to wait. Temptation surrounds us as we wait for whatever we find ourselves waiting for: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the ultimate one to wait for, then we have our future spouse, friends, kids, etc... Scripture reminds us of two things as we face various temptations as we wait:

Matthew 26:41:
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” We have got to be our guard. If we are not, we will given into temptation. We need to keep relying on Him!

1 Peter 5:8-10: 8
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your fellow believers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 10 And the God of all grace...will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. " 

Waiting brings temptations, but the Bible teaches us that we can wait and overcome those temptations. 

The verse in Song of Solomon relates greatly to where I am in my life. This is a verse I stumbled upon quite a few years ago. This has been a life verse. I have not thought of it in a while, but it is still written on my heart.  I have shared it with a couple people along the way as I have continued my journey. "Do not awaken love until it so desires." In other words, "Don't rush! God's timing is perfect." We often want to take things into our control. When we desire to do things our way instead His, we will end up being disappointed and off the course He has set us on.

Instead, we need to trust our God that He knows exactly what we need. He knows and understands these deep longings we have. He even knows that we want to rush the present to reach the future of that special time of our lives. His timing is perfect. Also, running to Him is the perfect place for us. God desires to use this time to prepare our hearts and minds, and also to grow us in Him. It is a time of preparation. This is the perfect time for growing in Christ before we find ourselves filled with these treasures we desire---treasures of love and time spent with those we love... Those who will be there to spur us on in our walk with Christ!

Reminded of these words in this lyrics:
Average Girl by Barlow Girl

God's preparing one for you
If you get tired waiting till he comes
Gods arms are the perfect place to run"

Whatever season we find ourselves in, His arms are the perfect place for us. He is there ready to welcome us, hold us, cry with us, and grow us. Also, while we are here--perfect time to pray for our future spouses.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Cross: Faith and Its Evidence

I am resuming a Bible study I started doing a few months ago, but didn't get very far into it. Not sure how often I will post, but hoping to post more often--sharing thoughts from my Bible study times. It is a Bible study called "The Cross" through Setting the Captives Free Ministries. It is barely day 3 of 60, so hoping I can pop in occasionally to share the riches of the study.

Our faith--it is not blind. It is real. Jesus is a real man who lived amongst us, was crucified, died, and then was resurrected from the dead by the power of God. Other non-biblical writings from 1st century TESTIFY to the truth! (Tacitus, Josephus, Pliny's letter to Trajan, among others) Jesus is real. It isn't faith without evidence. The Bible shows us the reason for our faith, because it is based on truth.

"Our faith, quite the opposite of being "blind" is rather based on the evidence which God reveals to us in His Word, and which can be verified through research" are the words from today's lesson. It's just the simple truth that there is evidence to our faith. What we believe is true... It isn't dangling out of nothing, but it is based on proven evidence. We can't have a steady belief and live what we believe without evidence. Read what Thomas reply is to Jesus upon seeing Jesus for the first time since His resurrection: "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." May we be driven to find the evidence for our faith--seeking the ultimate truth.Jesus' crucifixion isn't only verified through history; we also see the depth of the prophesies spoken about Him and our salvation that was to be given to us. It is by Jesus Christ that I have salvation--through His crucifixion, death, and resurrection--I am given freedom from sin, new life, eternal life, and a personal relationship with God. The prophets searched thoroughly the prophesies that God revealed to them. The prophesies PREDICTED Christ's sufferings and the glories that would be seen.

Inquiring is worthy of taking note. We need to inquire--searching the Scriptures for the truth.

God's Word and prophets prophesy about what Jesus would go through. These are only two passages that begin to share the prophesies we have been given...
Isaiah 53:8-9 says, "8By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. 9He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth."

Psalm 22:14-18 says, "14I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted within me. 15My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death. 16Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet. 17All my bones are on display; people stare and gloat over me. 18They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment"

These verses aren't just words on the page, but they reveal the truth of what our Saviour would endure. These prophesies were made long before Jesus was born as a baby in a manger. Psalm 22 is estimated to have been written in 979 B.C, while Isaiah 53 is estimated at 711 B.C. That's quite an advance sharing of who the Messiah would be.. Over 970 years between the prophesy of Psalm 22 and Jesus' birth. The prophesies are where God is revealing details of the Messiah--the Saviour. The Saviour, Jesus Christ, who would bear the sin of the world, so that we may know Him and experience everlasting life and a personal relationship with God. It is only through His son Jesus that such a relationship can take place..

The cross was prophesied in the Old Testament, was fulfilled and recorded in the New Testament, and is historically verifiable in both religious and non-religious writings. The faith of Christians in the death of Christ rests on the revealed truth of God's Word, and can be verified historically in numerous ways."

Faith has evidence (Hebrews 11:1)… What is our evidence for our faith? For Thomas, he saw and touched Jesus' hands and feet to know it was really Him. Thomas felt Jesus' side where He had been struck and the water and blood came pouring out. That was his evidence for his faith--He saw Jesus--He knew. He experienced the truth. We have so much evidence to deepen our faith as believers in Christ. God's Word shows me the truth. Through it, He shows me the scars of his hands and feet. I can experience Him--experience His truth!  Not only is there God's Word, but there are other sources for knowing what I believe in is absolutely true: Jesus died on the cross for my sins and was resurrected from the dead. I can be assured that my faith and the reason for my faith is absolutely truth…

Jesus is ALL I need! I want to cling to Him, and know Him more… His Word continues to teach me the truth and grow me deeper in my faith to Him. I, as a sinner, am unworthy of God's amazing grace--still He continues to greatly show me His grace and His abundant love for me! He has gone to great lengths to me just how much He loves me...Completely unworthy and deserve any of it, but given a great reward--just as this song says.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Concept of Rest

I wanted to write something today, just to post. I haven't been able to get on here to post since Christmas day. Kinda saddening. I want to write. My thoughts are just all jumbled up. I have been feeling pretty defeated this week in a sense. It is definitely attacking my emotions and how I am doing overall. It is hard. To be chronically ill, (seems to be a popular topic on my blog) it is such a struggle.

On Saturday, I began doing a Bible study with some friends. Such a struggle physically though. It ends up being a really long day. I know what I want to be able to go on Saturdays though. The million dollar question: How do I do it without spending the week recovering from it? Nothing seems to come easy, especially when fatigue and pain come into play. For the past two weeks, I have been struggling more so with a loss of energy. It is one thing to try to learn what rest is and practice it when it is by choice. It is a different story when it is a mandatory thing for one's body.

I want to come to a place of Matthew 11:28, which reminds me of the need to rest.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

I want that relief and refreshment. I want physically, but so much spiritually. I want to receive another "mountain-top" experience with my Lord, where I am feeling much closer to Him! Rest is a key part of it.

The practice of rest doesn't come easy to many. We often spend our time and attention overthinking it--or planning out how to rest instead of actually resting. I am on my own self-discovery of what it means to rest, how is it done, and beginning the process of actually resting. Resting: it is a hard concept for many. We simply do not know how to rest or where to begin.